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Young Poetry Publication of Arts Office Kilkenny County Council. Directed by Mary Butler
I really like Corey's poem "Diamonds". One detail I love is the phrase 'sweet perfume
filling all my senses', it's so easy to imagine and identify with.
I wonder which buildings you had in mind when you wrote about the
'crumbling concrete
of this city.'
my favourite poem is Me and You by Jason Phelan.I like the way he shows that all people are unique. I also like the way he was able to have something different for every single line.In my opinion Jason has written the best of 19 poems in Rhyme Rag.
My favourite poem of Rhyme Rag 4 is 'Diamonds' By: Corey Molloy. I like this poem because he explains how 'Love is a burning thing' as Jonny Cash quoted in his song 'Ring of Fire'. I like the words he uses to describe how his heart was and still is to him. He said, 'My heart is a diamond, too hard to touch' Corey quoted in his poem. You can tell that Corey is depressed over this one girl who he thought was perfect. But hey, there is plenty of more fish in the sea.
I like the poem "old boots" because it really tells you how the person is feeling especially when he says "wearing lead boots,I would swim,and if I sank,it would not be your fault.My heart is much heavier than lead".It tells you how sad he is feeling
my favourite poem is "Morphine" by Sorcha Reilly. It is my favourite because she is saying that she can't really live without him. He is her morphine so she really loves him.
My favourite poem is "One Lesson". I like it because it's not too long and not too short. As well as that the poem kind of ryhmes and the comic strip goes well with the poem. At the beginning he was excited but at the end he and his girlfriend had broken up.
I think "Ocean's jewel" is good. When I read it I feel that it would be fun to dive to the sea bed and to get a beautiful 'pearl'.
My favourite poem is "Ocean's Jewel" by Eric Phealan because it describes a pearl excellently. It is short and snappy. If I didn't know what a pearl looked like I would now.
Fantastic comments. Thanks very much. I wish I had had some of them before I started the comics.
Very interesting indeed.
what a buzz to see so many comments already. its great for us to hear your feedback on the poems. as director of the rhyme rag i am also really keen to hear your comments and feedback on the rhyme rag itself... how you feel about being published and associated with it, do you like my aproach to publishing your work, etc. your comments are important to the future direction of the rhyme rag as its popularity with you the contributers and readers is paramount, so please let me know.... mary
I particularly liked the poem 'Point-to-point-blank' by Ellen Hanly because the words in it give so much detail about what is happening. She describes everything and I especially liked the lines "the mercy bullet strikes, No screen can hide the sound,that silences the very wind" because it sounds exciting.
heya, sorcha reilly here ^^, i loved this years illustrations they suited the poems soo well , Alé has outdone himself :D
i love the poems "dimonds" by corey molloy and "one lession" by jake moylan
i love coreys poem because of the strong longing you can feel when reading it and the sadness he feels upon loseing his love" because my heart was even then, a dimond, too hard to the touch" when i read these lines, the emotion in them nearly made me cry. truley outstanind poetry. and of course i love jake's poem "one lession" jake is a good friend of mine and i admire him and he poetry greatly, so seeing that he got published again is soo woudnerful, and what a great poem to get publish too :) the comic fits in really well with the story.
brillent. :D
I really liked the comic strip for "One Lesson" because the man is talking about his drink saying it has a shadow but he doesn't and at the end he just walks out saying 'I'm no longer your friend.' It's a really good comic strip. I like it.
I wonder was Ellen there or was it her imagation. 'Point to point blank' is very excting because of both words
and pictures; it's very sad at the end when the horse gets shot.
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