Friday, November 28, 2008

My Junilant Schooldays

A poem of no embellishment,
A story of quiet imprisonment.
I walk to school,
knowing my fate,
trudging a lonely path,
a journey forced by faith,
I enter dreary and bleary,
walk past sneers and mocks,
to my bleak locker,
and watch popularity and her flocks,
I hear a harsh shriek,
as the bell shows its pain,
walk into class, open books
and learn which keeps me sane,
The sweet swan who sang,
bringing music to my ears,
now shrieks and moans aloud,
a harbinger of vast fears,
My lunch once filled with glee,
which was a haven of peace,
is now a time of dread,
I never feel at ease,
Later, should be joyful,
but I trod out the gates,
eyes drilling my back,
homework a burden of great weights.

By Diarmuid Hunt

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's supposed to be "My Jubilant Schooldays"